


This Eclipse plugin takes a PIM4SOA model instance and transforms it into a description of a Web Service in the Web Service Description Language (WSDL). The generated WSDL contains an XSD schema representing the information elements for the Web Service. The information for the WSDL is taken from the Services and Information segments of the PIM4SOA metamodel.


Name of resultPIM4SOA to XSD and WSDL, Transformations
ContactTor Neple
Relationships to other projects
Result typeModel transformation
Software deploymentSources included
Publicly availableSources available
Subversion URLhttp://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.cgi/pim4soa/org.athena_ip.transformations.pim4soa2wsdl/
Summary of functionalityThis Eclipse plugin takes a PIM4SOA model instance and transforms it into a description of a Web Service in the Web Service Description Language (WSDL). The generated WSDL contains an XSD schema representing the information elements for the Web Service. The information for the WSDL is taken from the Services and Information segments of the PIM4SOA metamodel.
Benefits and contributions to interoperabilityThis result connects the PIM4SOA metamodel to a widely used SOA platform, Web Services. The benefit to interoperability is there when more similar transformations are written to support other SOA platforms.
Validation and demonstration activititiesThe transformations have been used on the ATHENA e-procurement scenario.
Standardisation linkshttp://www.w3.org/TR/ws-arch/
Requirements and dependenciesThe plugin runs under Eclipse and requires that the PIM4SOA plugin and the Eclipse Web Tools plugins (with prerequisites) are installed

Installation guide


The PIM4SOA to XSD and WSDL transformation tool has been implemented as an Eclipse plugin.  This means that one needs to have Eclipse installed in order to run the transformations.  Below is a list of prerequisites:

Update manager site

Follow the instructions described here.

User guide

In order to run a PIM4SOA to WSDL transformation one must have a PIM4SOA model (an instance of the PIM4SOA metamodel).  The model file (with file extension .pim4soa has to be present in an open project in the Eclipse workspace.

  1. Create a new empty project in the Eclipse workspace
  2. Copy the example file found at:

The PIM4SOA to XSD and WSDL transformation is invoked using the context menu on a pim4soa file in the explorer window of Eclipse. This is shown in the figure below.

Invoking the transformation